Thursday, February 26, 2009

Platonic Love

At the end of Wednesday's class, the subject of platonic love came up briefly. One person voiced her opinion that platonic love does not exist, and this comment caused quite a stir. My first instinct was to disagree with her. Men and women can have relationships with each other sans sexual tension....right? Upon further consideration I have decided that I agree with this person-there is no such thing as platonic love. I thought back to every male I have ever had any sort of a relationship with and I thought about the entirety of said relationship. I have never had a relationship with a male that was completely devoid of sexual tension of any kind. I don't think this says anything about my personality or natural sexual identity. If everyone thought about as in depth as I did, I think they would agree. I do believe there are exceptions. I lived with a homosexual guy. We never had any kind of sexual tension between us whatsoever. There are other exceptions, of course, but what we are referring to is people of the same age group who could potentially be attracted to each other. In that case, I believe there is no exception. When someone claims to have had a relationship with someone of the opposite sex that was completely platonic, he or she is not thinking of the other person's feelings. I have had relationships with males in which I was not attracted to them in any way, but this does not mean they have never thought of me sexually. If you want to test an apparent platonic relationship, get drunk with someone. People may act differently when enebriated, but they are not different people. They may do things they regret, but some part of their mind was in on it.

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