Thursday, March 5, 2009


My sister and I have had a few insult-flinging matches, and I am happy to say I usually win. The most recent one was because I asked her if she got the mail because I had asked her to earlier that day. She flipped out because she apparently thought I was asking so much of her. She called me a lazy bitch because I hadn't been cleaning the house enough. I told her it was because I was dealing with 19 credits, a part-time job, and being sick. She then proceeded to scream at me because I "am always sick" and she even said "why the fuck do you always get sick, we have pretty much the same immune system." I then called her a stupid whore and explained to her that I don't like being sick. She then informed me that I was a lazy piece of shit and I left because I couldn't stand the stupid insults anymore. Luckily, we reconciled and everything is okay now.

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